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S2E1 Finding Your Strength Zone with Alan Stein Jr. Episode 13

S2E1 Finding Your Strength Zone with Alan Stein Jr.

Data is essential for basketball players, and in this episode we reveal what businesses and leaders can learn from top notch athletes. Data unveils a team’s strengths and weaknesses very clearly, but the key to success is in the way leaders tailor their coaching based on the data, and that is the secret sauce Alan Stein Jr. is sharing with us today. As a former performance coach, Alan shares what he learned from the best basketball coaches and NBA stars like Kevin Durant, Stephen Curry, and Kobe Bryant. Alan believes that every good leader is a coach, who strives to see only great scores on the board, but knows that reality can throw a brick or two. And when it comes down to it, people make great results happen, and that is why combining data with motivation, coaching, and understanding the human perspective is essential. Coaches should know what the Strength Zone of each player is, and finding that within employees, organizations and businesses makes all the difference. We talk about mistakes in leading, and what challenges new leaders will face on the way to being respected within their team. We discuss generational changes of the federal workforce, as well as reticence to change. Aiming for diversity across ages, demographics, as well as ideas and opinions is not easy, but there is a need to bring respect, understanding, and curiosity back to the table. Alan has an approach that highlights the importance of teaching, directing, and motivating in every team, no matter if it is a sports team, family, or business team. His hope for all federal agencies: be inclusive instead of divisive, and highlight the things that unite us.

· 49:17

📚 Alan is Mark's old friend and a successful author. 00:35
✍️ Alan enjoyed writing a book called Sustain Your Game: writing books serves as a therapeutic way to serve himself as well as others. 01:29
🗝️ You have the key: “People have the power to change more than they most likely believe they do.” 03:10
🏀 From basketball player to coach to motivational speaker: Coming from a family of educators, Alan always had a natural affinity to be of service to and teach others.  05:04
💪 The best advice a coach gave to Alan about finding the Strength Zone. 06:21
🎯 The epicenter of being a coach is in transformational leadership: empowering others to improve behavior and improve results by believing in themselves. 08:33
😇 Be the leader you want to follow: having an authentic and appropriate vulnerability. 11:21
🤩 Making your team stronger with the diversity of thought, age, and background: we need to nurture respect, appreciation, and curiosity. 15:31
🏆 Diversity culture and data blended with respect for others: a story about a basketball coach with 4 key stats that heavily influenced winning and losing the game. 19:15
🤓 Leading indicators of success and performance, but what about stress? 22:16
🦸 The road to a settled mind is being at peace with the fact that we don’t control things in the world and channeling our response to those circumstances. 24:43
✅ Trying to live a truly mindful and physically fit lifestyle vs. checking the boxes of doing the ‘right’ things. 29:13
🧘 Is bringing mindfulness to business meetings possible?  31:38
🤯 Measure the things the right way and get the data to combine with the human aspect: do more of what works and do less of what doesn't. 36:54
❗ Keep things simple to make your business effective: find your goal and measurable behaviors and data that will get you to your goal. 40:20
👉 The acute problem in a generational change in the federal workforce. 43:03
📣 A message Alan would give to all in the federal government: being inclusive instead of divisive and highlighting the things that do unite us. 45:16
🌟 What did Alan learn from Kobe Bryant, Steph Curry, and Kevin Durant? 46:23

Connect with Alan: www.alansteinjr.com
🔗Connect with Mark, Andrew, and Courtney.
✅ Mark Fedeli
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/markfedeli
Twitter: @markfedeli
🅰️ Andrew Churchill
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/fachurchill/
Twitter: @FAChurchill
☑️ Courtney Hastings:
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/courtneyhastings
Twitter: @chatrhstrategic


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